“To be an Arctic Five Chair means a great opportunity for developing closer collaboration with old and new colleagues within the Arctic Region as a way of making a difference in our beautiful and booming North.”
Karolina Parding
Luleå University of Technology, Professor
Hot as Hell – Sustainable Skills Supply Strategies as Key to Structural Transformation of the Labour Market in the Arctic
Karolina Parding’s project as Arctic Five Chair seeks to answer the question of what successful local community/municipality attraction strategies can be identified in terms of attracting new individuals and families to the Arctic region, as well as retaining existing ones.
Arctic Five Chair Colleagues
- Emma Lundholm
External link.
Associate Professor and lecturer in Human Geography, at Umeå University - Birgit Abelsen
External link.
Professor in Health Service Research, at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Parding, K; Ek Styvén, M; Lindström, F & Näppä, A (2023). Workplace learning in transient workplaces – the tourism and hospitality industry in the Arctic region. Journal of workplace learning.
Parding, K; Ejdemo, T & Skeppar-Huuva, E (2023). Rekryteringsbehov och utbildningsutbud till och med 2030. Report. Luleå: Länsstyrelsen/Region Norrbotten
Parding, K & Lindberg, L (2022). Kompetensförsörjningsanalys arbetsmarknadsregionen Boden-Luleå. LTU: Luleå. Download PDF here External link.
Ejdemo, T & Parding, K (2018). 51 000 anställningar i Norrbotten till och med 2030. Report. Luleå: Länsstyrelsen. Link to report External link.
Parding, K; Ejdemo T; Skeppar Huuva E (2022). Rekryteringsbehov och utbildningsutbud till och med 2030. Report. Luleå: Region Norrbotten Download PDF here External link.
Funded Research Projects
Employment Value Proposition in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry: Incorporating a Place Attractiveness Perspective (2022-2023).
Funded by NorrlandsNavet
Maria Ek Styvén is main applicant, and I am co-applicant. We will look at the location’s importance in attracting, recruiting and retaining employees in tourism and the hospitality industry.
Skills-supply analysis for Luleå kommun & Boden kommun (2021)
Regional renewal; Recruitment needs and educational needs (2021)
Funded by Länsstyrelsen, region Norrbotten and Luleå University
A follow-up project together with Thomas Ejdemo, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, LTU.
Kompetent, kunnig och stolt: Lärande som varumärkeslöfte i besöksnäringen. (2020)
Funded by BFUF (Besöksnäringens forsknings- och utvecklingsfond)
The project is interdisciplinary and Professor Maria Ek Styvén is the main applicant. I look at conditions for learning in the hospitality industry in The Arctic North, and the results show that for employers to organize for learning is difficult based on the skills supply problem we are in the middle of. No journal article is available yet.
Radio features
- Intervju om kompetensförsörjningsfrågan i norra Sverige, interview for P4 Norrbotten (2022-10-31)
- ”Större rörlighet på arbetsmarknaden oroar arbetsgivare
External link, opens in new window.”, interview for P4 Norrbotten (2021-11-22), also broadcasted in Ekot, P1, (2021-11-23)