“Before any factory is built and before resources are explored, the anticipation produced through visions is palpable in people’s hopes and fears”
Janina Priebe
Umeå University, Senior research assistant
Arctic futures through the lens of global sustainability transformation
Janina Priebes project examines how global goals are translated by corporate actors and projected onto the Arctic, and how corporate visions construct the connection between future energy and sustainability in the context of global transformation ambitions. Keywords describing the project include: Arctic futures; futures literacy; sustainability transformation; humanities’ perspectives. The project resulted in a booklet callet “Arctic Sustainability Transformation – What is it, what can it be, and what does it need to be?”
Priebe, J; Lempinen, H; Vikström, H. 2023. Umeå: Umeå University.
- Hanna Lempinen, researcher at Arctic Centre of University of Lapland, Finland
- Hanna Vikström, postdoc at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- Keith Larson, Director of Arctic Research Centre at Umeå University, Sweden; Project coordinator of CIRC, Abisko
- Umeå Transformation Research Initiative (UTRI)
- Arctic Research Centre at Umeå University (ARCUM); Arctic Graduate School with a focus on sustainable development
- Future Forests
First year
Arctic Sustainability TransformationsWork meeting with collaborators at partner institution
First year
Open workshop In cooperation with UTRI and Future Forests
Umeå university
Second year
Scientific article
Second year
Education-focused work meetingsWith the collaboratos, focusing on how critical reflection on sustainability transformation in the Arctic can be incorporated into advanced- and PhD-level education.
Second year
Work meetings with the collaborators to evaluate results from open workshops and initiate future research application