Call For Application – The Arctic Six Fellows
MISSION STATEMENT – The Arctic Six Fellows
The Arctic Five Rector’s Council decided on March 5, 2021 to change the form and funding setup for collaboration in research and education within the university alliance, phasing out the previous thematic areas format and instead launching the Chairs and Fellows initiative. The objective of Chairs and Fellow (C&F) is to a) stimulate an intensified collaboration in research and education within The Arctic Six, by encouraging bottom-up initiatives, and b) to stimulate the formation of broader thematic fields for collaboration, cutting across disciplines.
The overarching aim of the Arctic Six chairs and fellows is to improve the success of the Arctic Six universities in securing external funding, and in this way, help meet the goals of finding research-based solutions to joint problems facing our societies in the Fennoscandian Arctic.
The objective of the Arctic Six Fellows program is to contribute to the above-mentioned mission by supporting emerging scholars’ to enter and establish themselves within different fields of Arctic research and to build a network and collaboration within the Arctic Six.
The Fellows are junior / early career scholars who do not necessarily have collaborations with the Arctic Six, but who want to build such collaborations within research and/or education. Fellows can be appointed from two categories of early career scholars:
1) Junior Arctic Six Fellows, who are mature state PhD students (+2 years into their PhD research) registered to an Arctic Six University and
2) Senior Arctic Six Fellows, that are Postdoctoral graduates in the early stages of their research career (1–4 years from obtaining their PhD Degree) employed or affiliated to an Arctic Six University.
Each appointed Fellow will work on the Arctic Six Fellow project they have proposed. That project should already be a part of their academic work, or build on that academic work. The position as an Arctic Six fellow comes with funding, but does not involve any additional guaranteed time-allocation from the home institution. The funding is meant to cover operational costs for spending a period of time as a guest at one or more Arctic Six Universities. The applicant’s university provides the fellow with the pre-agreed level of funding (between 3000 and 5000 Euros). The purpose of the Arctic Six Fellows visits are to develop collaborations with scholars at other Arctic universities within the framework of their fellows project, e.g. co-publishing or developing a funding application. The funding of Fellows is part of the agreed institutional financial commitment based on the Arctic Six bylaws.
2025 Call for Arctic Six Fellows – Application form
1. Instructions
The Arctic Six Fellows programme is a format for supporting new collaborations between early career scholars at the Arctic Six universities: Luleå University of Technology, Umeå University, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Nord University, University of Lapland and the University of Oulu.
The overarching aim is to improve the success of the Arctic Six universities in securing external funding, and in this way help meet the goals of finding research-based solutions to joint problems facing our societies in the Fennoscandian Arctic. The objective of the Arctic Six Fellows program is to contribute to this mission by supporting emerging scholars to enter and establish themselves within different fields of Arctic research and to build a network and collaboration within The Arctic Six.
Arctic Six Fellow is an early career research appointment. We invite proposals from all academic disciplines in two Fellows categories: 1) Junior Arctic Six Fellows, who are mature state PhD students (+2 years into their PhD research) registered to an Arctic Six University and 2) Senior Arctic Six Fellows, that are Postdoctoral graduates in the early stages of their research career (1-4 years from obtaining their PhD Degree) employed or affiliated to an Arctic Six University.
Prior to completing this form, applicants should read through the application, as well as familiarize themselves with the criteria used for assessment. Note: Only fully completed applications from eligible candidates will qualify for evaluation. Along with this application, candidates are requested to add two appendices in PDF format:
- A 1–2 page(s) summary of their PhD/Postdoc research project, with relevance to Arctic Six highlighted and clear outputs/expected outcomes. This summary should outline the applicant’s plan for The Arctic Six mobility.
- A statement of support from an academic advisor, sponsor or supervisor, including the contact details of that person.
The completed application and supporting documents are to be sent by e-mail to by March 21, 2025.
Applicants will receive a confirmation of receipt reply after the deadline has passed.
Note: all information provided in this form and support document will be used for the sole purpose of this call, and all personal data contained herewith will be handled in compliance with data protection regulations under GDPR.
2. Candidate information
Family name:
Given names:
Arctic Six University:
Title / position:
Disciplines (primary and secondary):
3. Motivation: Why should you be nominated as an Arctic Six Fellow?
[Please also relate to the aims of the Arctic Six and the Arctic Six Fellows program. Maximum length 5000 characters].
4. Keywords
[Provide keywords which describe the proposed research project (derived from the required Appendix with a project summary)]
5. Short CV
[Please fill in a short personal researcher bio/short CV and provide a link to online cv, OrchiID etc. maximum length 1500 characters]
6. I apply as
[Junior Arctic Six Fellows, who are mature state PhD students (+2 years into their PhD research) registered to an Arctic Six Institution.
Senior Arctic Six Fellows, that are Postdoctoral graduates in the early stages of their research career (1–4 years from obtaining their PhD Degree) employed or affiliated to an Arctic Six University.]
7. Additional information
[Applicants are free to provide additional information in support of the above entries and/or which corresponds directly to any of the stated evaluation criteria in this call. Maximum length 1500 characters].
2025 Call for Arctic Six Fellows – Evaluation Criteria
1) Ability: the applicants competence, capacity and skills
Applicant has the ability to devote time to the project.
Applicant has the potential to carry out the proposed project during the fellow period and gain added value to it from The Arctic Six collaboration.
Applicant demonstrates an ambition to build a network involving scholars at the other Arctic Six universities for their project (incl mobility and research visits)
Applicant’s previous track record and experience in academia suggest an ability for international cooperation within The Arctic Six
2) Quality, feasibility and impact: the quality and feasibility of the proposed Fellows project and its potential impact
The quality of the proposal is adequate – a problem formulation and content that have relevance for The Arctic Six
Feasibility and realism of the proposed fellows project over the 2-year period.
The capacity of the applicant and the proposed collaborations in The Arctic Six
Societal impacts on, for example, regional development, innovation, global change, SDG’s, Green Deal, local communities/indigenous people/national minorities, quality of life
Expected contributions applicants’ career and (education, PhD training, Postdoc tenure, external funding etc).
Visibility of and contribution to The Arctic Six is assured.
3) Relevance: the fellows projects relevance for Arctic Six priorities
The project demonstrates relevance for The Arctic Six aims and ongoing actions.
The relevance of project in relation to The Arctic Six aims to advance and spread knowledge, developing education, and creating innovations for the advancement of sustainability in this Arctic region.
Other Arctic Six universities are connected to project.